Field Trips & Activities
Connect with PA Cyber families, learn something new, and have fun on field trips. We put the social in cyber!

Family Link: Connect. Share. Support.
Family Link hosts hundreds of field trips each year so students and family members can make lasting friendships while having fun and learning.
Whether you attend a field trip at a small local venue or at a large popular destination, you'll meet other students who live near you (or across the state) and share your interests. Family Link offers a unique member directory where you can find other PA Cyber families in your geographic area. Take advantage of the full richness of the PA Cyber experience while meeting others outside the classroom in this accessible program. Think Family Link, think new friends!
We offer field trips that fit all budgets; some require a fee at registration. Current students can view upcoming events near them by logging into Buzz, clicking the Events, Field Trips, & Programs tile, and filtering by region. You're welcome to attend PA Cyber events in any part of Pennsylvania if you're willing to make the trip. Virtual field trips are available as well.
"Each time my daughter attends one of the events, not only does she enjoy herself, but she also can’t stop talking about it. She loves sharing her PA Cyber outings with her cousins and her older sister."
– PA Cyber Parent